Note: Providers may not offer, or support services listed. We encourage you to confirm participation of the doctor and office prior to scheduling your appointment.

You will see a listing of providers and where they are located. However, not all providers participate in every plan. To ensure you are viewing the network associated with your plan, MetLife recommends Members sign in prior to viewing a provider listing. Signing in will also provide you with instant access to tools to help manage your vision benefits. All network doctors must provide access to emergency services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please enter a location and radius (defaults to 20 miles) or select a state with a city or county to search for vision providers.


- OR -


  Contacts Dispensed         Contact Lens Fitting
  Eyewear Dispensed          Medical/Surgical
  Medical Vision Exam        Refractive Surgery (LASIK)
  Routine Vision Exam        Safety Eyewear
  Exclusive Collection
Hours Of Operation
  Open After 5 PM
  Sun            Mon            Tue            Wed
  Thu            Fri                Sat
    Eyewear Dispensing Provider